Results are in WHS seniors! This year for our 2024-2025 graduation gowns Option B was the most liked, this is what we will be wearing on graduation day on May 21, 2025.
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As a part of our school culture and community, we have students who shine brighter in many different ways. We have people who take AP classes, take choir, and excel in athletics. With our school bringing communities together we are the definition of being kind, compassionate, and gracious.
A student who shines brighter than the rest is Marielis Mejias. Meijas, a Senior at Wyoming, helps our school become more united and bright. Mejias said “I am an officer for the Senior Committee and my position is advertising and social media, I am also a part of AW11 Council, and I also do Peer-Mentoring,” she said. Marielis Meijas has definitely reached the pinnacle of our core values of being kind, compassionate, and gracious around the school.
Mejias plans to go to Community College or Grand Valley when she graduates high school. Meijas states, “After I graduate high school I’m going to go to college, depending on how Financial Aid goes, I’ll probably go to CC but I did get accepted to Grand Valley so I am also looking forward to going there as well.”
Not only does Marielis participate in clubs around the school she is also a part of the sports here at Wyoming, “In terms of sports I was in Volleyball and Track” Although with her busy schedule, Marielis knows how to prioritize and manage her time well.
Marielis Mejias manages her time well where she has many interests and hobbies, not all students have the time, but she makes sure her youth is spent outside experiencing life to the fullest extent outside of school. Marielis said “I like to hang out with my friends and go to haunted mazes or even go to an amusement park, I love my friends so much, so honestly I like to do anything with them and just have fun, like going downtown and just in general being outside,” she said.
Although Wyoming is sometimes looked at in the wrong way Wyoming to Marielis is a great school, “Wyoming gets a lot of hate for being diverse and different than other schools but in all honesty, it is not even that bad, AW11 may seem corny to some people but I feel like our school does a good job at putting us in assemblies and having us come together,” she says. These “corny” things that our school does is what is going to make us all learn and have memories of our experience in high school,” she says.