Meet our Sophomore: Valerie


Valerie, one of our sophomores, has been here for the first time in high school. She is living her high school experience and learning new things.

“What interested me the most in my high school years was going to class and learning. It’s something different than my country,” said Valerie.

She is willing to learn something new and have new experiences she never had. Valerie has become someone of thirsts for new knowledge. No matter how hard her teachers assign her, she puts her total effort into it. She is someone who has grit and determination. She likes school.

“The classes I like are Biology and Art. I like art because I like to paint and biology because of the animals and plants and when we dissect the animal,” smiled Valerie.

This school year is almost done. SUMMER BREAK!!!! WOOOO!!!! Our sophomores had probably had an interesting school year. Hopefully. All I can say is, Junior year isn’t bad. Keep up with the work, the first couple of weeks will be easy and once it starts getting toward the middle, make sure you all pay close attention because it will start to get hard and then once it starts getting towards the end, you guys can finally breathe.

“I’m nervous to become a junior. It will start getting more advanced and more harder.” said Valerie.

Well, for my junior experience, it was such an interesting experience. Let loose and have fun. We should be sometimes rebellious, organized, and funny. Make sure to have fun and learn new things. Try something new, give it a try, and be yourself. Make sure to be attentive. Lot’s of things happen in junior year.

Things sometimes will get out of hand, more maturity and less fear. There will be times that you won’t care about assignments and classes anymore but once it gets harder, you’ll know when to get back on your feet. Let loose but don’t put your guard down too much. Make it easier for yourself. Find a way and know when to postpone an assignment and how many days to work on it.

There will be a lot of disagreements and a lot of unity. Know who you can trust the most with important matters before telling another person. From knowing who to trust first will keep your junior year running smoothly. Especially when the new 8th graders are coming in the high school next year.

“I don’t mind that the 8th graders are coming in. I think it won’t change as much because High school is easy,” shrugged Valerie.

I can’t believe the 8th graders have finally come. The juniors become seniors and the sophomores become juniors and freshman becomes sophomores. CONGRATULATIONS! We have all passed the hardships. Many more will come but there’s always hope to keep going. With anything, Valerie is the nicest person that anyone can have as a friend. She is so kind and considerate.

Valerie will be a great friend for everyone and she likes to learn. She likes to experience new things. Making more memories. Cherish those memories. Valerie is the person who I look up to. From getting interested in something and putting full effort into it. From what I’ve seen from Valerie, there are parts that aren’t boring. Learning new things can be fun to learn because it catches one’s eyes. It captivates them. Valerie is one of the people who makes the most boring things interesting.

Valerie is one of a kind and she is unique. She puts every effort in assignments that are challenging for her. She doesn’t give up easily. She’s an alpha wolf.