Whether it’s crafting beautiful boutiques, taking college classes, or competing with some of the best business men and women in the nation, Natalie Rojas is breaking the standard of a Wyoming High School student.
Natalie is a student at WHS, and her positive presence is felt around the school. She is a part of Business Professionals of America, Middle College, and Grace Gatherings Prayer Group. She has competed in National events for BPA, travelling across the country and taking on the best digital marketers around. She competes with her friends on the varsity soccer team. She even runs her own business called Blooms and Berries Co. Even with all these responsibilities, Natalie finds a way to not only balance it all but also excel in each area.
While Natalie may seem too busy to do anything else, she’s also exceeding those expectations by applying and getting ready for college. “I’ve been applying to colleges. I’ve gotten accepted into 5 so far, but I’m currently enrolled in Middle College so I can do my 13th year at GRCC for free,” Rojas said.
Middle College is a college program that enables students to expedite their college experience and gain their associate’s degree while still being in high school. This does give her more homework and harder classes, yet it has not slowed her down one bit. Even while being enrolled in these classes, she still has the drive and motivation to start her own business.
Blooms and Berries is a bouquet and chocolate business that she runs by herself. She buys her own flowers and strawberries, then decorates and delivers them to others. This business is something that she is passionate about and allows her to express all her creative ideas. “I started my business after my first day of work. I was like, I can not go to the same job at the same time and repeat that cycle every day for the rest of my life. I have to do something different,” Rojas said.
With her drive and motivation, she knew this was possible and she has kept working on this dream every single day. All these things on her plate, it almost seems impossible for her to balance everything, but like these other things, Natalie’s drive prevails. “Throughout my Middle College classes, I have free periods, so I make sure to get my homework done and assignments done during class and my free periods. So that when I get home, I can focus on my bouquets and regular teenager stuff like cleaning rooms. I make sure to prioritize school at school and prioritize my bouquets whenever I’m not doing sports or other stuff,” Rojas explained.
She makes sure she doesn’t spend time doom scrolling on Instagram or TikTok; staying productive is her top priority. This discipline helps her balance this busy and active life.
So, who is Natalie Rojas? To some, she is a student at Wyoming High School; to others, she is a business owner, an athlete, a sister in Christ, or maybe even a friend. But she is all these things and more.
Natalie describes herself as independent, self-driven, kind, and welcoming. All these words being accurate about her, she still has a humble mindset, knowing her ancestors who risked their lives for her future is a driving factor in her determination.
So whether you know her for her hard-working personality or her beautiful spirit and heart, she wants to leave us with one piece of advice.
“Don’t give up, no matter how hard it may seem no matter if dont think you’re able to do it, no matter if someone has more business than you no matter if someone has better opportunities than you. Don’t compare your day 1 to someone’s day 100. And follow the Lord, he will guide you to the right path and has better plans than you can ever imagine.” she said.
Student profile: Natalie Rojas