Domination season starts this week for all of Wyoming’s basketball programs.
Our up-and-coming JV girls team is predicted to thrive this year. One of the key players on the team is sophomore Claire Wierenga.
Claire is excited to play again. “I have been playing since 3rd grade,” she said.
Players are drawn to positions on the court where they can thrive. “I play a two or a three. A two is a shooting guard and a three is a small forward. But most of the time I am a two,” she said.
Goals are extremely important for athletes because it gives them a reason to want to thrive and practice more. Claire is no exception to this. “My goals for this season are to win some games and I want to become a better player. Specifically, I want to get better at shooting the ball,” she said.
Wyoming will play a lot of difficult teams this season, but Claire is confident in the JV team’s ability to win. “I think the outlook for this season is good. I think we have a very strong team and We all are going to work together well,” she predicts.
Anticipation is high for the team’s first game. “I think that if we all work together and we all communicate on the floor, then we have a good chance of beating Caledonia,” she said. “I think it just all depends on where our heads are at and if we are mentally prepared.”
Athlete Profile: Claire Wierenga
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About the Contributor

Choir has played a significant role in my life. It’s been my favorite class since 7th grade. I enjoy singing with my friends and making lasting memories with them. I also love Mrs. Miller. She has been very influential in my development over the past six years. She is the reason I have stayed in choir. Honors choir has been especially enjoyable because it has pushed me to become a better singer and make new friends.
At home, I skip around, singing my favorite musicals. My current favorite shows to sing are Hamilton, Wicked, and Moulin Rouge. These shows are wonderful and I love to annoy my family by singing them. I would trade my firstborn for any ticket to any Broadway Show.
Running has become a hobby of mine that I look forward to. I ran XC for the past two years at the school. I’ll treasure those experiences for the rest of my life. I love to run in the summer and to feel the sun on my skin.
I love to plant things and then forget to water them. I have tried to keep many plants alive, but I can’t. My favorite flower is a Dahlia, and my favorite plant is the Monstera. I would like to plant both of these in my future greenhouse.
One last thing: I hate writing.