There are many exciting options to consider when picking a sport to do for the winter season. Many are unaware of an opportunity to change their life in just a couple of months. Some join for confidence, Some join for a lethal work ethic, and some just for fun.
Wrestling is a highly intensive combat sport that involves grappling. Being one of the oldest and most popular sports in the world it has gained quite the popularity in the US in recent years. Essentially the goal is to gain physical control of an opponent without injuring them. Points can be earned through takedowns, escapes, reversals, near-falls, and penalties.
Last year was my first time wrestling as a sophomore, so I understand why one might have major doubts about joining. A lot of people fear the commitment aspect. When I try to recruit someone they say they don’t have enough time or it’s challenging. Although wrestling takes a good amount of time and is a pretty big commitment, I say it’s worth committing to.
One major advantage of wrestling is the major boost in confidence you gain in many areas of your life. The grueling exercise makes a noticeable positive difference to your physical appearance. Wrestling also being a combat sport of course makes you better at defending yourself. Increased physical appearance and the ability to defend yourself are recipes for a large amount of self-confidence.
Another major advantage is the sheer amount of Physical health benefits. The nonstop cardio puts you in excellent cardiovascular condition leading to a healthier heart. The hours of practice improve your strength, speed, and flexibility. Wrestling can also help with Managing your weight and learning proper nutrition.
Besides physical health benefits, mental health benefits are also a large part of wrestling as well. Wrestling will make you more disciplined than you’ve ever been in your life. You will also be able to manage your stress much better. Just like any other exercise your mental toughness will improve. The amount of new relationships you will make is quite incredible. You create a very strong bond with your teammates that is guaranteed to last years.
The positives of joining long outweigh the negatives. The vast majority of people would enjoy it if they just gave it a try. The drive to work towards something and improve at it will carry on to a variety of aspects of life. If anybody is reading this thinking about joining I say take the step forward and change your life.
Why Wrestling? Why not!
WHS Wrestling team