Sophomores Koen Bowyer and Andres Bernal are quite the spunky duo. Like many of the friendships at Wyoming High School they spend most of their time at school together. When they are apart you can tell that a piece of their puzzle is missing. When they are together there is no such thing as not having a blast. Every momemt is filled with giggles and positivity. What separates them from the rest is their undying determination to lift eachother up. Everyday with each other is a day of improvement, discipline, and hardwork.
It all started back in the 3rd grade from the moment they laid eyes on each other . Like peanut butter to jelly they stuck together spending their prepubescent days living life to the fullest by each other’s side. Tragically after 6th grade Andres had to move, Being stripped away from his best friend, his brother he was devastated. This feeling of devastation and loneliness was very short-lived. As of last year Koen and Andres by the power of fate reunited and began right where they left off.
This duo spends most of their days doing a variety of very productive activities. Some nights they spend their time ranking up to diamond on siege playing video games. Other nights they spend their time facetime calling each other to have meaningful discussions. I see their relationship lasting a lifetime. At the end of the day they aren’t just best friends, they are brothers.
Friendship Profile: Andres and Koen