The Machine is a comedy special by Bert Kreisher who also plays the main character. This movie will have you gasping for air with Bert’s larger-than-life personality and his ability to tell stories in an exciting way.
Based on the infamous story he experienced in Russia, Bert was invited to the country for a bewildering drinking contest. He must prove to a very dubious group of people that he truly is the Machine.
My first impressions of this movie were me cracking up and overall having an enjoyable time watching this movie. Bert Kreisher’s specialty is comedy but nobody could have foretold the truth of his acting abilities, but this movie just proves he is a splendid actor.
The ratings for this movie is ⅘ stars and 32% Rotten Tomatoes, while 32% seems bad; the 25 critics who reviewed it seemed to be taking the movie way too seriously and it seems those critics wanted to watch the movie for literary reasons.
A more agreeable opinion I had was from this critic who said,” ‘The Machine’ certainly was a watchable enough movie, and had some adequately funny enough situations and moments as well. And while it isn’t a bad movie, it just didn’t strike me as being a particularly memorable or outstanding movie actually.” I can definitely agree with this critic on how it has many funny situations, but it’s not going to win the movie of the year award.
For clarification, this movie is based on Bert’s stand-up comedy act, and this movie is the best it’s going to get for being based upon a stand-up comedy bit. Although I can say this movie may not be for everyone, my view on it is that I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to have a good laugh and an enjoyable experience.
“The Machine” Review
Kenneth Strickland, Contributing Writer
December 1, 2023
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