Overcrowding in the Halls

Jules Vega

cafeteria hallway

The overcrowding issue in Wyoming has recently received many negative comments from upperclassmen, most blaming freshmen.This issue has increased within our building recently, See how many upperclassmen and Principal Joshua Baumbach feel on the issue at hand.

With the growth of our student population in August, many challenges have been faced to get here. With five teachers retiring this 2023 year, our staff hired new teachers early. This resulted in many different untraditional spaces being used for offices and classrooms. Mr Baumbach calls the newly crowded hallways “congestion” that has been happening. The problem, as he sees it, is certain spots that have too many people at specific times.
But many students note that the building allows for spaces that are not congested. Many students talk about some of their favorite spots in the building: Isaac Zavala (junior) talks about how he enjoys the learning stairs, they are a nice place to chill. Renee Lafluer (Junior) likes the breakout rooms, because they have couches and stuff. Cornell likes the area around my classroom, because it’s as far as he goes! Many students enjoy our building, despite the little quirks of overcrowding in our halls.

The upperclassment of Wyoming seem to have a negative connotation on this new issue. Many students take more time this year to get to class, rather than previous years. Martin Bedolla (senior) mentions “It 100% takes longer with the freshman here”
Many students find it more difficult getting to classes this year. Stephanie Cronkright (junior) says “Last year, I was in class after 1-2 minutes. It has increased to 3-4 minutes”
Travel times have increased since many try to completely avoid our freshman hallway. Students have brought up the annoyance of just standing there. “People can go somewhere else,” she said . “Rather than standing in the middle of the hall.” Cronkright said.
This happens in many of our halls. “It gets crowded standing in the middle of the hallway, like just moving!” Isaac Zavala saidangrily. More juniors and seniors seem to be affected by this situation.

Baumbach explains the situation, with many teachers leaving after this 2023 school year. The need to hire became important. And the opportunity to hire these teachers was raised. The school took the chance and hired more teachers. “We’re trying to get ahead of the game, in terms of hiring,” Baumbach said. So many of these teachers were worth it to hire. “We had quality candidates,” he said.
The district had to hire these teachers to better the Wyoming student’s future and keep the many options of classes open. The new renovations bring a sense of futuristic vibes for many students, “The new edition with high ceilings, it’s better and doesn’t feel like a dungeon,” Baumbach said.

Many students have their own versions of solutions to this issue, Here are what they are saying:
“Expanding” said Martin Bedolla as a way to find more space to seat more students as the classes get bigger and more students join our school. “I actually don’t know. Putting teachers to regulate will eventually get annoying,” Cronkright said. She also added that placing teachers in the hall to get students to “move” gets frustrating for students who are not the problem. “Remove the freshman” Senior Alan, among other upperclassman think the idea of the freshman make the school more crowded. Former years, the highschool did not have the freshman here. With their appearance here in the fall, it has caused much contrivisory among the other grades. Renee Lafluer jokingly comments “bring back line leaders to walk the halls.” This is quite the solution!

Students in wyoming are readily challenged everyday by the issue of overcrowding in our hallways. It is easy to find your own way, but frustrating to deal with. This issue is easy to fix!